
Be kind — it is useful!

When the writer Oldos Huxley, the dreamer and the “discoverer” of personal development, asked: “How to improve their own existence?» — he replied:» Try to be a little more kind «. He was right: kindness, generosity and respect

Orgasmin aikana erotetut hormonit aiheuttavat ihmisillä uneliaisuutta. Suuremmassa määrin se koskee miehiä, vaikka naisten keskuudessa «unen kauneus» he tapaavat. Kumppanisi ei pidä loukkaa sinua, viagraa ilman reseptia läheisyyden jälkeen hän nukahti heti. Tutkijoiden tutkimukset osoittavat, että tämä on vain visuaalinen korvaus, jonka ihminen on kokenut ja asettanut kaikki voimat ja tunteet.

for others give us many advantages.

Basic ideas

  • Empage — congenital quality. Without it, humanity could not survive.
  • Goodwill increases self -esteem. A person with good self -esteem is always sympathetic to others.
  • Lubeity is useful in work. She improves relations with colleagues and helps resolve conflicts.

Some see the courtesy of outdated formality, others — hypocritical sought, others — a neurotic desire to please everyone at once. However, refusing to show goodwill in relation to others, do we not leave our true nature?The philosophy of individualism and global cataclysms of the twentieth century questioned the need to actively empathize and take care of others. Conclusions following a similar view of the world are polar: we either feel guilty due to the fact that we give too little to others, or we deny the opportunity to treat others with care and attention, not wanting to make our own interests. However, there is a fundamentally different attitude to goodwill — both to a powerful and good power directed both outside and inside our personality.

According to the hero of the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, “Master and Margarita” of the vagrant philosopher Yeshua Ga-Notskri, “There are no evil people in the world”. This thought, expressed in the last century, is today confirmed by the results of scientific research. Evolution experts argue that mutual assistance, altruism and solidarity helped a person survive as a biological species. Compassion and empathy are qualities with which we are apparently born. An experiment conducted by American psychologist Martin Hoffman (Martin Hoffman) as part of his study of children’s empathy, showed: the cry of one newborn makes his neighbors to cry in the maternity hospital*. This does not happen because they are worried about the noise (other sounds of the same volume leave them indifferent), but because someone else’s crying makes them worry and empathize. With age, this reaction, alas, is often lost. To maintain and develop in yourself the ability to respond to the feelings of another and sincerely show courtesy in communication is not easy — after all, the benefit of this is not obvious. However, such an effort can bring invaluable fruits.

This stimulates

With sincere participation to cope about the health of a sick neighbor or help an elderly person to get out of the bus — such minor courtes are invariably improving our mood. American psychologist Sonya Lyubomirsky made an attempt to measure the benefit that we extract from friendly behavior **. Sonya Lyubomirski divided the group of students into two parts: some had to regularly perform “good deeds”, while others did not do this. Observations of the psychologist are unambiguous: participants in the first group during the entire experiment felt better and were in the best mood than their comrades from the second group. “Indeed, a person who sincerely creates good receives more love and recognition,” says Gestalt therapist Nifont Dolgopolov. — In turn, this love received from others improves the mood of the “giving”, gives him new energy increases his self -esteem. «.